
Ministry Podcast: Tabernacle Table Talk
Greetings and Blessed Salutations:
Welcome to Our New Podcast, “TABERNACLE TABLE TALK: where we delve into areas of ones everyday life , as the Holy Ghost excavates; the sporadic spiritual occurrences. This is Revelatory, Informative, Directional, Instructional, and Realm-Dimensional!
Podcast Episode: A Call to Service Dramatization
A Dramatization of being faced with a time of "A Call of Duty to Serve"; even if it is at work. We, as God's People---The Saints---must be ready to give an account of our profession; especially, in a dire situation---Someone's LIFE depends on YOUR SERVICE UNTO THE LORD! "A CALL TO SERVICE"

Biblical Studies Kingdom Training
Apostolic Prophetic Kingdom/Biblical Studies Training: Equipping, Sound Doctrine, Scripture Interpretation; Revelatory, Enlightening, Engaging, and Active Participation
Ministry Resource and Networking:
(Referring Effective Sources Only Unites Resourceful Connections Everyone Seeks). Provide knowledge in Business Perspectives; Structure in Potential Financial and Business Resource Opportunities. We provide external connections and referrals to accommodate business needs. Resume building; Establish Incorporation, LLC, etc., Develop Business Proposal and Business Plans; Create Diversity of legal forms (i.e. Mutual Agreement, Bylaws, Leases, etc.). Notary Services; Create Flyers;

Prophetic Flow of Revelation Monday Night Service
Prophetic Revelation and Prophetic Intercession
Praise and Worship Team
Create an Atmosphere of Worship and Praise that is conducive for the Holy Spirit to Move: Signs, Wonders, Miracles; and Healing and Deliverance