Divine Assignment
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;"- Revelation 12:11
"GOD presents the PLATFORM, I give GOD THE GLORY! HE gives You the ROOM, Let Your gift GIVE GOD THE GLORY!"
by: Pastor Prophetess Dr. LeLisa Magee

Our Story
We are a Kingdom Training Ministry: Birthing Purpose. We Operate in all the Ascension Gifts: Apostle, Prophet, Pastor and Teacher, and Evangelist. We Believe in being Doctrinally Sound---The Apostle's Doctrine (Teachings of Jesus Christ). We are a Healing and Deliverance Ministry. We Believe that You have a God-given Purpose that you are Destined to fulfill. We Encourage, Inspire, Motivate, Disciple, Discipline, Love, Cultivate, Develop, Mentor, Aspire. and More. We are a Faith-Based, Word Believing, Holy Ghost-Filled, Anointing-Destroying, Worshipping and Praising, Atmosphere Changing, Dimensional-Realm Shifting, Spiritual Warfare Engaging, Seer Anointing, Kingdom-Shaking, Gospel Preaching, Jesus Believing, Transformational, and Prophetic Revelation Ministry. That Believes in the SUPERNATURAL POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD!!!
This Vision and Ministry's Name was birthed through Pastor LeLisa Magee's late Husband and Visionary: Apostle Andrew Magee Jr. ["Astronomical Eagle-Eye Prophet"]; in which, he birthed out Pastor LeLisa Magee to carry the Vision. We believe God Divinely makes Connections; Designed by HIM to bring about a promise and/or assist in fulfilling a Purpose and Assignment. This is Our Mission and Vision; Used by GOD, by way of the HOLY GHOST, in directing one to their destiny, and bring about increase in their lives---BRING PEOPLE TO THEIR DESTINY. JESUS IS THE TRUE VINE---MUST BE CONNECTED IN ORDER TO GROW!
By Definition, "PURPOSE" means: it is the reason why we (you) are existing, living. PURPOSE means the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.; an intended or desired result. "ASSIGNMENT" by Definition means, how and/or the way you (we) live it out. Assignment means a position of responsibility, post of duty, or the like, to which one is appointed. Assignment helps you live out the reason for why you exist with purpose. PURPOSE and ASSIGNMENT must walk in agreement. You cannot fulfill PURPOSE alone; you need to IDENTIFY Your ASSIGNMENT(S). In this Ministry, the Holy Spirit has given us a Motto, by which, we stand upon: "PURPOSE DON'T FIGHT PURPOSE!"




Prophetess Ebonney