Feeding Your Spirit with Daily Bread: Meditation of the eart
Holy Ghost inspired Word, Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Encouragement, Inspiration, Prophetic Revelation, and Motivation; as the Holy Spirit leads, gives utterance, and speak.

January 13th, 2022
"Beauty is not just a Woman; Beauty can be a Man, you see;
For the Ashes that are taken, in exchange for the Beauty that is given;
Was not just for a Woman; But for all huMANity.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit; given to me:
Pastor Prophetess Dr. LeLisa Magee
On 1/12/2022 @10:10 p.m.PST
Pain was not just a Woman; for in Pain She birth a Man, a Nation;
For a Man will remember the Pain in which a Woman birthed him;
Yet, it was Beauty that Birthed Purpose—-Beauty is not just a Woman; Beauty is also a Man.
For it was Beauty that rose from the Ashes
And, Birthed ALL huMANity.
Inspired by the Holy Ghost; given to me: Pastor Prophetess Dr. LeLisa Magee
On 1/12/2022 @10:38 p.m. PST/2:22 a.m. (1/13/2022)